Monday, 18 May 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road

Let me begin with stating one thing....

Mad Max is possibly the best film I have seen in a long time. It god damn pumps you up son.
The adrenaline rush you get from one specific point within the film put me on the edge of my seat. I cannot recommend Fury Road enough.

Pretty much every single aspect of this film is great, Mad Max is relentless. After last Friday night, I found new faith in director George Miller. (Yes indeed he did direct the Happy Feet and Babe franchises).
What a man.
I feel that I'm blithering here, but there is so much about this film that I enjoyed. I came out of the cinema wanting more, and within the first few minutes of Fury Road starting, I was convinced that this worth every penny.
It's amazing how within the beginning there is very little dialogue, and it's just action, action and more action. And with this, I would like to state that Mad Max: Fury Road has put my faith back into Action films.
Enough with the Transformers and Jason Statham titting about everywhere.
I want Mad Max.
I need more of this film!
You have no idea how hopped up I was when exiting that screening.

Charlie Theron.
What an actress.
I mean Tom Hardy was good as usual, but Charlie here stole the show.
I expect to see awards. Many of them.
Mad Max: Fury Road shows a story which liberates its female characters. They are shown as real people, not secondary characters. Max's story is taken over towards the end. It becomes apparent that his story is simply a sideshow to Imperator Furiosa. (Theron).
I mean and it's understandable. Because this tells how one woman stolen from birth keeps her sanity after being taken into the world of Immortan Joe. (Hugh Keays-Byrn).
Now that's a horrible enemy.
Let's just say that, Theron's character goes out her way, risks her life and others to make a better life for her and the five of Immortan Joe's wives... Like urgh, scumbag.
And he is.
One's heavily pregnant and another not even a month gone.
These women made the film. Each wife was an actual person, with speaking roles, personality, braveness, and tales to tell.
There are more females in it who are awesome.
Completely no ageism in Fury Road by the way.
We need more of this in mainstream films.
Like, don't argue with me. We do.
And as for this 'Returnofkings meninism' concept having problems with Fury Road.
Then, good for you guys!
Nah man, the action, plot development, storyline and amazing directing brings people in. The fact that women have actual empowering roles within this film just means that George Miller has senses, isn't living in the Stone-age and Charlie Theron is one the best actresses around.

If you haven't guessed yet, I loved this film. Everything about it made me happy, this is something completely new. (Well at least to me).
I advise you all wisely to go see this film, whilst it's in the cinema. You might want to even think about going all out and IMAX your night away.
No really, visually Mad Max; Fury Road is stunning.
The 3D aspect, not so much.
Just, please, everyone go see it.
And pay for it.
George Miller needs to make more of Mad Max. This is one franchise I want to be milked to be honest, and that's saying something.
I'm even going to watch the original films, and those have Mel Gibson in it... god no, don't et me started on him. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015



OK here we go... 
This film.... It is ridiculously unnerving.
I can't really tell you people many things about Unfriended
This might be a short post.
Because I'm afraid that I sat hunched up in a ball in my seat at the cinema that night with my right hand firmly clasped over my eyes for quite a lot of this movie.
I mean really I scare so easily and this was just perhaps a bit too much for me.


But with having said that, the fact that I didn't see a lot meant that I could get to sleep that night without thinking someone was in/on top of my wardrobe, outside my door/window, or at all under my bed.
... I'll just have re-check those before I go to sleep tonight.
Just in case!
Anyway, this is a well-made film. I hear that some people are saying bad things about it, and to be honest I can see what they mean, (mainly concerning the ending).
But with that, I still think it was very clever. It made the whole audience tense throughout, and surely that's what you want in a Horror film?

If you go to see Unfriended, then do it was someone else. Don't be a hero and go alone.
So, with Unfriended you've got another new take on the Horror film. I know I said the same with It Follows, but I believe that filmmakers are coming their senses within the Horror franchise. Enough with the Paranormal Activities, and more with teens being generally messed up and their aesthetic/culture. Note that I wouldn't really say the word 'messed', but replace it with another. 
I think that there's the air of 90's Horror films being rebooted in many ways lately. E.g. MTV taking Scream to yet another level. 
(Yes I am intrigued by this, am a big Scream fan).
Here with Unfriended we've got another example of how horror films use the paranoia of the time to intimidate, shock and scare audiences. 
Urgh, now I sound like I'm writing an essay.
Let me live.
But anyway, by this I mean that this point in time technology has become advanced. And from this, many people have shown hesitation with how far mankind can go before we get bitten on the ass for going so far. 
I know, this sounds like I'm going on about how robots go rogue too many times in films. But what I do mean is that within Unfriended we see how the use of technology (Skype), has come to be used as a murder weapon. 
And let me tell you, deaths go down one by one and it's fast and brutal. 
It's like within Scream for example, the killer(s) always use telephone calls to the victims. This is a way of getting at them, it makes them let their guards down. The things we therefore think/feel are safe are therefore not. This shows how seemingly normal day things can be manipulated for the worse within Horror films.
Anyway, we need more teen orientated Horror films. 
End of.

Unfriended remodels the Horror genre in some way here I feel. 
The deaths are clever, and there's creepiness throughout.
And if you disagree with me, you're very welcome to because I'm afraid of many things, and it may not have been as scary as are other films.
The world's a scary place man...
Unfriended shows the lengths teens go to to impress each other to an extent. 
It also shows the dangers of your actions.
Like whaaaaat is wrong with America's teens.
A topic that I've always been fascinated by.
There are so many American teen flicks, mainly Rom-Coms and Horror films. 
(They're predominately used due to them being viewed as innocent and easy to be manipulated within films).
Ya get me.
Trust me, it's an easy market to produce in and I'm usually part of the group lapping it up.

So, Unfriended... Indeed scary, but turned on its head as a generic Horror film. You've got some new aspects in there, and it is actually quite nice to see a film being made entirely through a laptop.
Except, whenever you're wanting to know the real time it's a bad habit to check the main character's laptop screen on the cinema screen.
I think so.

A little end note here by the way:
The Babadook
It Follows

Your new Horror revolution.