Maybe... perhaps, do not take a trip to the cinema to see this one kids.
Like, seriously at the time it was terrifying.

Insidious: Chapter 3... where do I begin. I had no clue that this would make me jump as much as it did. Upon watching the first two, they have nothing on this. I really don't know what happened with this instalment.
Yes, again I found myself not seeing half of the film due to hiding behind my jacket. However, I did see some scary bits, and only because I dared to look up mainly due to the fact that I thought the scares were all over. Well obviously it wasn't, and I got to see several of the scariest peaks within the whole film.
There were a total of 4 people in the showing for Insidious 3, myself included, and it made way for a lot of confident screaming.
(As well as telling the protagonist what she should and shouldn't do).
I mean really, who looks under the bed when something has just unnerved you?
I went into that theatre oblivious to the fact that this film would actually work very very hard at scaring the soul out of me. This was mainly due to the fact that I may not have seen a heck of a lot of the first one, and the second one pretty much underwhelmed me.
So, Insidious: Chapter 3 is a prequel to the first two films' hauntings. James Wan isn't directing this one, and this may be why the scaring was turned up a notch! His BFFL, Leigh Whannell directs this chapter. And it looks like Wan had little influence when making number 3.
Anyway, the lovely Elise is back, and living this time. Everyone loves Elise, but for most of this film you're constantly asking "Elise are you okay girl?"
She's deflated, and why not aye? She deserves a break, but oh no! We've got a new character - Quinn Brenner (Stefanie Scott) coming along and stupidly believing that her dead mother is trying to reach her.
After some searching from Elise, she knows that it's not the girl's mother and is indeed something
much darker. Because we wouldn't have a horror film if it really was her mother.
It's not even a family being haunted with this, it's mainly Quinn, but with Elise sadly being pulled into it all over again, and Quinn's single dad (Dermot Mulroney) being perplexed the whole ride.
Poor Elise, she only means well.
So, all hell has broken loose and we see aspiring Quinn get both her legs broken and almost die from a horrible accident. And with this point, you will be thinking "They wouldn't do that at this point in the film? Would they? Nah, of course not?... OH THEY DID!" And you will be surprised how much you will jump at this accident.
At the end of the day, I missed a couple of scary parts, but looked up from behind my jacket to watch just in case I was missing key plot points.
Maybe I did miss key points, maybe I didn't, but it was the wrong idea and I should have stayed at home where I could have slept safely that night.
The new demon is everywhere, he's in the air vent, he's in the oven, he's at your audition, he's all over the shop.
And I looked up at all of these points, grand.
This may not sound scary to some of you with more experience or more backbone. But, it really did make me scared to even go to cinema bathroom afterwards.
Let's look forward to the next instalment in the Insidious franchise, because the cliffhanger at the end of second film has not been answered in number 3, due to the fact that this is a damn prequel.
And this means time-wasting. Purely wasting time, so they can get a bit more of your money, before they begin answering your questions from the second film.
And guess what!
*maniacal laughter*
Well, sort of.
It's a horrible ending, just as a head up!
Sorry, I've just ruined that there's a surprise at the end.
Well I heard about it, I was too busy whimpering behind my jacket like usual.
Take it as you will from my lob-sided messy review, my apologies but I was a bit of a massive wimp throughout this film.
I'll just say maybe if you're not too hot in the Insidious franchise, maybe wait for it's release. It'll surely be on Netflix within a couple of months.
Also, I'll just say the film The Gallows CAN GO BACK FROM WHERE IT CAME FROM... I mean judging from its trailer.
I'm just saying is all!