Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Terminator Genisys.

Have I watched anything from the Terminator franchise?
My bad...
But I enjoyed this film all the same.
I mean I gather that I don't necessarily HAVE to have watched anything before this film. But it would have probably helped somewhat.

But aye, never mind. I had been meaning to watch the films prequel to this.
And yet I didn't.
What you gonna do about it?

Terminator is a cool concept... I think.
There was a nice message with this chapter, it said that Sarah Conner's Terminator father stand-in is the cutest thing in existence.
They're relationship is adorable.
Note: some really really cute af drawings. I couldn't decide if they were created by Sarah (as a child) or the Terminator.

There's a lot of stuff which would have made more sense if I had watched the earlier films, probably, but I got the hang of it quite quickly.
The action is pretty pleasing in it. But I had a feeling that the whole film went really fast. However it might not have, some of it happened to drag a tiny bit.

There's a short cameo from Matthew Smith (Dr Who), and you barely get to see him even when he is on screen. (It's complicated, seriously).
Arnold Schwarzenegger was good as always.
And by good I mean saying lines and smiling robotically every now and then.
Humorous enough.
I mean I laughed, and there's nothing more to that.

Not too much to say about this film, as it seemed to be something I would give into and watch on Sunday in order to block family out.
Wait, that sounds like my whole summer.
It's a pretty simple storyline, following a generic action film:
 Opening on war, problems, new characters, more problems, minor happiness, WORST PROBLEM EVER, WAR EVERYWHERE, someone gonna go ahead and die, SYKE, some clearing up issues, happy ending, OPENING FOR THE NEXT MONEY-MAKER.
And so you get my drift.
But then someone thought...
"Oh no, we need some more time travel in there... SHOVE IT IN!"

I'd say maybe wait until this comes out on Netflix, as it will undoubtedly do.
Did I enjoy this? Yes, for the best part of £9.95!!!!! Which was not worth it.
The action was nice, and there was a stupid romance in it as usual. Well maybe Terminator fans already knew this.
Also, Emilia Clarke was pretty good in it.
Other than that, there was not many other people who stood out very well.
He's always good in everything.
Don't question it.
There's nothing more to add.
Except that if you're trying to choose between this and Ted 2... give in to robots and action and not offensive teddy bears.
(Who is in fact voiced by a delusional man who thinks most of his racist, stereotypical, homophobic, transphobic and sexist jokes are worth our money when it's coming out of a stuffed animal's mouth).
Oh but it's okay, because he's all for gay marriage.
To think I use have a teenage crush on Seth Macfarlane.
We've all had those types of crushes...
*cough cough*