Saturday, 19 March 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane

Sat in a very dark cinema my brain screamed "YAAAAS" at the performances from John Goodman and Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

TRIGGER WARNING: Imprisonment/Gore.
Can you have a trigger warning for Aliens?
Whoops, just gave away something big... well c'mon you should really have at least an idea of what Cloverfield was about.

And I mean it...

I can already tell that 10 Cloverfield Lane will be snubbed and underrated all year round. Let me just put it out there right now, John Goodman takes the god damn cocking biscuit with how well he plays his creepy yet somewhat adorable character. He plays Howard, who steals Mary Elizabeth Winstead, playing Michelle, off the road after crashing into her car. Michelle incidentally was running away from her boyfriend after a big fight. Then big old Howard comes along and locks her up, because apparently the 'air up in the normal world is contaminated'.

So yeah, it seems to be a hostage situation, until we meet Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.) stuck down in this bunker with the two. Yet he was trying to get in when the world was 'attacked'. So Michelle is opened up the somewhat psychotic, yet lovable world of Howard the conspiracy theorist.
And there's nothing I love more than a conspiracy theory.

I loved this film from start to finish, John Goodman is flawless as ever. If you are a fan of him like me, you should go into watching this with an open mind, because he is half the cuddly bear you wish him to be every minute of every day, and half a raging lunatic. The character of Howard is very manipulative, and I can promise you that that is the most scary and unnerving factor about this film.

All along I thought this was directed by J.J. Abrams, ah beloved J.J. (He only produced it).
But nah it was directed Dan Tratchenberg, and I have to say he really made it his own, and basically he's done very little else, so kudos to him for this... my first favourite film of 2016. Yeah, and y'know what, it comes above The god damn Revenant.
Anyway, if you like Sci-Fi and a lovely homey South American aesthetic, then make sure to go see this. If for any reason, I would say that the storyline is awesome and when John Goodman smiles in a certain way, your heart will just burst.
But, like one minute you wanna be shut down in the bunker with these poor people, next minute you want to punch Goodman's character in his face....



Can you tell that I'm a John Goodman fan? 

Saturday, 5 March 2016


It's good... like really good.
Underrated even.

Why did it take me so long to publish this I'll never be fully sure... being a student is hard when you rarely get out of bed each day.

Spotlight tells the infamous story of exposing paedophilia in the catholic church, basically. I remember how big this situation was when it came out when I was younger. I didn't fully understand much of it, but I knew that it scared me. The unveiling of the catholic church's seedy underbelly in America is demonstrated with respect in Spotlight - and by that I mean towards victims and survivors.
We see a straight-faced Michael Keaton do a pleasing job as usual, as manager of getting the truth out. Keaton's team of co-stars reflect his talent just as well, the acting you will witness only adds to this film. What I am impressed with is that this delicate story is in no way glamorised, nor is this film a thriller, nor mystery... it tells the truth essentially.

Without becoming a documentary, the utmost respect is taken when telling the stories of the survivors. Spotlight also ensures that they are heard, however still shows that sexual harassment within the Catholic still occurs to this day. The fact that it took so long for the original story to be brought to light is portrayed perfectly thanks to director Tom McCarthy.

I realise that Spotlight is probably well on its way out of cinemas right now, but it is worth buying... and that's quite rare for me to claim those standards.
Mark Ruffalo outdoes himself as portraying the fire within the a force who is met with troubles of getting the truth out.
Rachel McAdams also shines through as our main female character, her acting more subtle than that of Ruffalo, however just as effective.

Spotlight will open your eyes to just what survivors went through, as well as how long it took for their stories to be heard.
An upsetting story, but one which needs to be told.
I am very glad it won at least one Oscar this season, the filmography is very pleasing if I do say so,

In other news, I shall be writing for FilmDebate as part of my work experience and as a chance for me to stretch my writing skills.
It is quite exciting for me actually, seeing as I'm going to be graded at the end of the day for doing something I love to do in my spare time.
It won't be me reviewing films however, but with hope my first article will be on my favourite female led films.
So if you like the theme of compilation, then take a trip over to and attempt to find my material soon. 

Tuesday, 1 March 2016


If you haven't gotten on top of seeing this yet... you better.
Already one of the more impressionable films I've seen this year. 

So let's just begin with me stating that I have not read any Deadpool comics, I am by far a massive Dead Head and Punisher fan. I love comics though, my collection is tame to say the least, but like c'mon some prices are not for a student's pockets.
Anyway, I knew about Deadpool due to just seeing him around the internet and comic book world, but never got a chance to read any of his stories.
But this film... right from the word go it will have you in stitches.
I knew it was going to be crude and in-your-face, but it still went in deep. I would say that are about two parts where paedophilia is joked about. But other than that it's not too rough on the triggers. 

Ryan Reynolds is perfection, and makes up for his first appearance as Deadpool in that sub-par Wolverine Origins film. I mean heck he even made up for Green Lantern... *shudders* 
Which brings up a discerning question of who is worse - Ben Affleck's Daredevil or Ryan Reynolds's Green Lantern.
But anyway, Reynolds pulls off the antihero's charisma and hilarity so well that you forget about anything you've seen him in before. 

I do love how the storyline is so simple, and yet you're sat there only to watch Reynolds tell you what he's doing and when it's going to happen. Little nods to the studio makes this film even more so enjoyable as well. Whether or not you are a Deadpool fan, this is a very good film. 

I urge you to go and see Deadpool, if for anything just to brighten your life up. 
Right from the credits it's funny, and the acting from everyone in it is pretty impressive. 
Also it's obviously Marvel, so for the love of god don't leave straight away with the ending credits, and look out for Stan Lee - now that bit surprised me...

Sorry this review is so short, but there's not a lot more to say other than that you will love this film.
Breaking fourth walls never pleased me more.