Well yeah it's basically like Easy A. And essentially just expect all that you know what comes out of films like Easy A and Juno - spunky edgy girl who should be breaking THE FUCK DOWN but somehow holds it all together throughout her tough teen years where she just isn't like the other kids. I liked it of course, I mean this was the type of film I latched onto when I was seventeen, but seventeen year old Sarah was confused and annoying (I watched a lot of Kevin Smith in hope of getting a guy to like me).
Don't do it girls and boys.
So we have Nadine who has no friends throughout all of her early life, whereas her older brother Darian has everything made up for him in life. But of course Nadine finds someone as weird as her, and we meet Krista, the pair have been friends since a young age and depend on no one else. But of course Krista is in some ways better looking and more likeable than Nadine - HMM WHERE HAVE WE SEEN THIS BEFORE??? EASY A AND MOTHER FUCKING JUNO... THE DUFF?!
In a slice, this film isn't very independent in its storyline of course... I feel like I'm going to be writing the words 'of course' a lot in this.
Suddenly, Nadine catches Krista in bed with her brother after a night of drinking, and everything goes to shit for Nadine - oh yeah by the way her dad died a couple of years before all of this, so hello we have something sort of new in the teen film. Later on throughout the film we see Nadine take some of her meds - antidepressants, which I am so thankful for. Finally on camera it shows teen audiences that no you can't just sing a song or have a baby or write a fucking article and everything changes during your teen years. And it also shows the effects of her meds, Nadine gets down and begins to feel ill - trust me they're no happy pills. THANK YOU KELLY FREMON CRAIG.
So, Nadine obviously gets along really well with her father, until the dad has to be replaced for another male figure in her life - oh look at that luckily she has this rude and blunt but in some ways hot teacher. This is where it gets weird for me because I had that teacher at school, except mine wasn't hot, I just saw him as someone to discuss The Smiths and Breaking Bad with... fuck me, younger Sarah was so awfully feminist but yet not attempting to support ALL of her fellow sisters - like seriously fuck younger Sarah Rogers, like really.
Like this film sniffs so much of any other teen film. Nadine thinks she is before her time, and wants all her peers to stop looking at their phones and living on social media and contacting through emojis. WELL JOKES ON YOU NADINE BECAUSE THIS IS THE REAL WORLD AND WE USE TEXTING. I hate people my age and younger or a little older who think they should have been born in the 50s, like literally fuck off, AND Nadine fucking uses all of the big three she exclaims to hate - texting, facebook and emojis. What an problematic character.
So even though Nadine has a huge fight with so-called best friend Kirsta, she goes about life not speaking to her as her former best friend begins dating her brother and leaving her out of things. Nadine likes the bad boy, but should really be looking in the opposite direction with the guy she inadvertently is stringing along - poor old arty nerd guy who sometimes isn't white. For the most part it is a whole cliche, but at the end of the day it's no ordinary teen film, because Nadine is weird and awkward and rambles, and yeah it's nice to see that different type of character. But at the end of the day, she is a very attractive thin white girl. And when he her universe breaks down because the hot bad guy turns out to be a groping jerk-off, the same old Coldplay song begins as she finally breaks down. And yeah, it is just a generic teen film.
And there's not really much wrong with that. In this case, I like this character, but only to a degree, she is very problematic at some points - like why she calling her history teacher to come collect her after she fights off the jerk-off? It does have a lot of 'women need men to exist'. And also as much as I do think Nadine is problematic, I do think she deserves to break the fuck down and have a crisis about her brother fucking her best friend and everyone treating her like she's temperamental.
Fuck knows that it is hard being young with a mental illness.
It is a good film for the most part. But, it will induce a lot of anxiety. And there is a part where Nadine apologises to her brother, and he never even fucking APOLOGISES TO HER BUT KRISTA DOES LIKE JESUS FUCK JUST SAY SORRY FOR FUCKING UP YOUR SISTER'S LIFE EVEN MORE.
A side note would also be that you won't fucking know what fucking era this film is set in for quite a long time, until a phone is introduced you'll only just realise oh this is at least the 2010s.
My god I am salty today.