What I found whilst narrowly avoiding my Animation assignment on representation, was that this film was so so long.
Damn, it was long...

I mean it was entertaining, but I'll repeat the annual faux pas and say that yeah, it wasn't at all Tarantino's best.
I liked the narrator, and Samuel L Jackson is amazing as always.
It was good at the end of the day... just not amazing, and if I'm honest a little forgettable.
A fresh face among the old and ugly comes Channing Tatum, which was kind of nice... I mean I appreciate Time Roth as much as the next young girl with a thing for good actors, but alas his delivery was sub-par at best.
I've probably put a lot of you off, but as I said it was long and I figure that's a massive factor into a film which rarely changes scenery throughout.
However I'll say this, my most favourite part was Kurt Russell. I don't what it is, but with this and Death Proof, he always makes his characters somewhat likeable... even though they're horrible humans.
Also Jennifer Jason Leigh knocks it out of the park with her part of Russell's prisoner. With all the amazing actors on set, the storyline still dragged a little and made me not too worried about purchasing it upon release.
Along with a small twist which you can figure out for yourself quite quickly, you'll find that it stinks of Hitchcock, and as much as I love Taratino films it's basically a repeat of a repeat.
Which I know is his style, but I'm bored of it, and no Quentin you would never have done a better job of directing Scream. (Just to put it out there). So let's all agree that this was to be appreciated for aspects you've viewed already within a different film, and get used to it, because The Hateful Eight appears as a spin-off from Django.
I'm so salty over this and I don't even know why.
Probably because I was expecting more, but it fizzled out.
Just leave me be Quentin... you've done enough.
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