Tuesday 13 September 2016

Sausage Party

... There are few words.

Image result for sausage party

I just don't know...
It's amazing how Seth Rogen & co just keep getting more and more offensive, and yet make it somewhat quite funny. But this, it kinda takes the piss a bit with pushing the offensive stereotypes and such. Because throughout Sausage Party you'll find that you'll laugh a little, and then not at all.

This is a hard film to explain, it's an average film for the most part - it's mostly stoner comedy (obviously, it's talking food), and that's probably why the storyline is so lackluster and why I got so bored. Which is strange because I'm usually not too bored with stoner comedies - I use to be a regular little fuck boy-loving girl going after the more undesired boys.
Oh how far we've come.

And that's all well and good... until the ending, and kids... I am scarred for life.
It's been a whole three days since and I still want to scrub my brain clean of the images.
I get that when individuals are high off their asses they may often wonder the process of how food could, if at all, have sexual intercourse - but I for one haven't thought about it in my life AND I DIDN'T PAY £7.90 OUT OF MY OVERDRAFT TO BE DAMAGED LIKE THAT!
An actual orgy of food isn't nice.

Some may find it hilarious and some may find it disgusting, and I know that I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I found it boring in some places, it wasn't a heck of a lot like other Rogen films. And I say I didn't like it that much, but I don't wanna be singled out like a old fogey for not liking a film everyone else is in love with.
I suppose once I realised that I'm actually not very happy watching later Seth Rogen films, apart from Bad Neighbours 1 & 2 - they were fucking great, then it's apparent that him and his friends are actually running out of material.

This film lacks body until the end - WHEN THERE'S NOTHING BUT BODY TO BE SEEN.
Urgh I feel dirty.

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