Tuesday 1 March 2016


If you haven't gotten on top of seeing this yet... you better.
Already one of the more impressionable films I've seen this year. 

So let's just begin with me stating that I have not read any Deadpool comics, I am by far a massive Dead Head and Punisher fan. I love comics though, my collection is tame to say the least, but like c'mon some prices are not for a student's pockets.
Anyway, I knew about Deadpool due to just seeing him around the internet and comic book world, but never got a chance to read any of his stories.
But this film... right from the word go it will have you in stitches.
I knew it was going to be crude and in-your-face, but it still went in deep. I would say that are about two parts where paedophilia is joked about. But other than that it's not too rough on the triggers. 

Ryan Reynolds is perfection, and makes up for his first appearance as Deadpool in that sub-par Wolverine Origins film. I mean heck he even made up for Green Lantern... *shudders* 
Which brings up a discerning question of who is worse - Ben Affleck's Daredevil or Ryan Reynolds's Green Lantern.
But anyway, Reynolds pulls off the antihero's charisma and hilarity so well that you forget about anything you've seen him in before. 

I do love how the storyline is so simple, and yet you're sat there only to watch Reynolds tell you what he's doing and when it's going to happen. Little nods to the studio makes this film even more so enjoyable as well. Whether or not you are a Deadpool fan, this is a very good film. 

I urge you to go and see Deadpool, if for anything just to brighten your life up. 
Right from the credits it's funny, and the acting from everyone in it is pretty impressive. 
Also it's obviously Marvel, so for the love of god don't leave straight away with the ending credits, and look out for Stan Lee - now that bit surprised me...

Sorry this review is so short, but there's not a lot more to say other than that you will love this film.
Breaking fourth walls never pleased me more. 

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